Momma has tons of old photos just hidden away but they need to be seen.
Momma Explains: We all have a need to preserve happy times by capturing those moments in photography. Since most are blessed to have multiple opportunities to photograph, we all are deluged with pictures. These pictures may be loaded onto CD's, jammed into shoe boxes, placed in albums or still sit on memory sticks. These memories all share a common location; they are all invisible to most visitors. We take these beautiful pictures and happy remembrances yet they fall into the cavern of forgotten moments. Sadly, we all drag them out for a funeral or event when we want to bring back memories of the past. Why not start bringing those magic moments back now. Years ago, it was popular to make photo collages and hang them on the wall. The challenge was finding the picture that would fit into the predesignated cut out. Now, we have so many scrap booking and cropping tools available as well as materials that would allow you to design our own schematic and display your pictures.
I love it when people come into our house and gaze at the wall that holds out collection. I have a collage for each child. As the grand children visit, we look at the resemblance to other family members.
I have not made a collage in awhile but it is time to start again. How about you, display those happy memories. You will never tire of looking at them. There are even sites that allow you to make a custom collage. I have included one for you to peruse.