Thursday, May 21, 2009

Teenagers invent new clothes carousel

Teenagers and that even more confusing age group the "tweeners" have invented a new clothes carousel. What is a clothes carousel?

Momma Explains
Most families start out with an odd assortment of furniture, kindly donated from relatives or purchased at close out sales or thrift stores. Few couples have the ability to start out their marriage with a large excess of available funds. So if you are lucky enough to purchase a home then the matching furniture sets must wait. Eventually though you may be able to start acquiring your own look and the furniture that goes with your decorating style. Then you might even decide to purchase a lovely matching and coordinated bedroom set for your 10 year old. They are thrilled and carefully put all their wonderful possessions away in drawers, dressers and shelves. They even use that desk you stretched to buy to complete the perfect bedroom. Little did you know that furniture euphoria was so short lived. Within 2 years the clothes carousel has taken over their room. The dresser, the drawers, the shelves and desk all house empty space. The floor has become a living breathing entity of clothing. The clothing carousel is a careful arrangement of
  1. Clothes that just dropped off their bodies.
  2. Clothes that they considered putting on their bodies.
  3. Clothes they will never put on their bodies but have yet informed you no longer fit.
  4. Clothes that have been washed and placed by mom in the room in a basket( mom's are slow learners)
  5. Clothes with tags still attached waiting to be outgrown.
  6. Clothes that are wet because they dry better on the rug and cover the other laundry baskets that mom is still seeking.
  7. Clothes left there by a friend who has yet to remember to retrieve them but it is okay as your child has left clothing at their house so the laws of conservation of matter are still in effect.
  8. Clothes that were accidentally sent to the child's room which do not belong to them and therefore are now part of the dead laundry pile and will never see the owner again.
Surprisingly any teenager or tweener will know if you enter the carousel and disturb this precisely organized arrangement. Look on the bright side, come Spring, you can have a garage sale with the following sign " FOR SALE -Lovely matching bedroom set, hardly used, in excellent condition. Then you can use the profits to buy a rug cleaner!

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